60 lines
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# Installation
[![Godoc reference][godoc-image]][godoc-url]
[![Go report card][goreportcard-image]][goreportcard-url]
[![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url]
## Prerequisites
* Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started)
* Install [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
## Setup
Download the developer image:
docker pull animenotifier/notify.moe
Run the developer image:
docker-compose run notify.moe
## Usage
Your home directory is mounted as `/my` inside Docker. Usually you'd want to clone all repositories you use into a `projects` directory. This directory can be accessed by both your favourite editor on the host machine and also inside Docker.
* Clone notify.moe repository `git clone https://github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe.git`
* Enter notify.moe repository
* Compile TypeScript files using: `tsc`
* Compile template/style files using: `pack` (optional)
* Start the web server using: `run`
The `run` binary is a development server that will restart the web server when it detects code changes.
## Networking
* Add `beta.notify.moe` to your hosts file
* Forward local TCP port 4001 to 443 on your host
## In your browser
* Import the file `security/default/root.crt` as a trusted Root authority
* Open `https://beta.notify.moe`
## Author
| [![Eduard Urbach on Twitter](https://gravatar.com/avatar/16ed4d41a5f244d1b10de1b791657989?s=70)](https://twitter.com/eduardurbach "Follow @eduardurbach on Twitter") |
| [Eduard Urbach](https://eduardurbach.com) |
[godoc-image]: https://godoc.org/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe?status.svg
[godoc-url]: https://godoc.org/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe
[goreportcard-image]: https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe
[goreportcard-url]: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe
[travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/animenotifier/notify.moe.svg?branch=go
[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/animenotifier/notify.moe