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component Shop(user *arn.User, proAccountMarkdown string)
h1.page-title Shop
span.user-balance 0
.tab Goods
.tab Top-Up
ShopItem("PRO Account", "3 months", "900", "star", proAccountMarkdown)
ShopItem("PRO Account", "6 months", "1700", "star", strings.Replace(strings.Replace(proAccountMarkdown, "3 months", "6 months", 1), "1 anime season", "2 anime seasons", 1))
ShopItem("PRO Account", "1 year", "3000", "star", strings.Replace(strings.Replace(proAccountMarkdown, "3 months", "12 months", 1), "1 anime season", "4 anime seasons", 1))
ShopItem("PRO Account", "2 years", "5900", "star", strings.Replace(strings.Replace(proAccountMarkdown, "3 months", "24 months", 1), "1 anime season", "8 anime seasons", 1))
ShopItem("Anime Support Ticket", "", "100", "ticket", "Support the makers of your favourite anime by using an anime support ticket. Anime Notifier uses 8% of the money to handle the transaction fees while the remaining 92% go directly to the studios involved in the creation of your favourite anime.")
component ShopItem(name string, duration string, price string, icon string, description string)
span= name
span.shop-item-duration= " " + duration
.shop-item-description!= aero.Markdown(description)
span.shop-item-price= price
Icon("diamond") |