import { Diff } from "./Diff" class LoadOptions { addToHistory?: boolean forceReload?: boolean } export class Application { ajaxClass: string fadeOutClass: string activeLinkClass: string content: HTMLElement loading: HTMLElement currentPath: string originalPath: string constructor() { this.currentPath = window.location.pathname this.originalPath = window.location.pathname this.ajaxClass = "ajax" this.activeLinkClass = "active" this.fadeOutClass = "fade-out" } init() { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { this.ajaxify() this.markActiveLinks() }) } find(id: string): HTMLElement | null { return document.getElementById(id) } get(url: string): Promise { return fetch(url, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(response => response.text()) } load(url: string, options?: LoadOptions) { // Start sending a network request let request = this.get("/_" + url).catch(error => error) // Parse options if(!options) { options = new LoadOptions() } if(options.addToHistory === undefined) { options.addToHistory = true } // Set current path this.currentPath = url // Add to browser history if(options.addToHistory) { history.pushState(url, "", url) } let onTransitionEnd = (e: Event) => { // Ignore transitions of child elements. // We only care about the transition event on the content element. if( !== this.content) { return } // Outdated response. if(this.currentPath !== url) { return } // Remove listener after we finally got the correct event. this.content.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd) // Wait for the network request to end. request.then(html => { // Set content this.setContent(html) this.scrollToTop() // Fade animations this.content.classList.remove(this.fadeOutClass) this.loading.classList.add(this.fadeOutClass) // Send DOMContentLoaded Event this.emit("DOMContentLoaded") }) } this.content.addEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd) this.content.classList.add(this.fadeOutClass) this.loading.classList.remove(this.fadeOutClass) this.markActiveLinks() return request } setContent(html: string) { this.content.innerHTML = html } markActiveLinks(element?: HTMLElement) { if(!element) { element = document.body } let links = element.getElementsByTagName("a") for(let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { let link = links[i] let href = link.getAttribute("href") if(href === this.currentPath) link.classList.add(this.activeLinkClass) else link.classList.remove(this.activeLinkClass) } } ajaxify(element?: HTMLElement) { if(!element) { element = document.body } let links = element.querySelectorAll("." + this.ajaxClass) for(let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { let link = links[i] as HTMLElement // link.classList.remove(this.ajaxClass) let self = this link.onclick = function(e) { // Middle mouse button should have standard behaviour if(e.which === 2) return let url = this.getAttribute("href") e.preventDefault() if(!url || url === self.currentPath) return // Load requested page self.load(url) } } } scrollToTop() { let parent : HTMLElement | null = this.content while(parent = parent.parentElement) { parent.scrollTop = 0 } } emit(eventName: string) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventName, { "bubbles": true, "cancelable": true })) } }