Disable old profile pages
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ import (
@ -20,19 +17,19 @@ func Register(l *layout.Layout) {
// User profiles
l.Page("/user", user.Get)
l.Page("/user/:nick", profile.Get)
l.Page("/user/:nick/characters/liked", profilecharacters.Liked)
l.Page("/user/:nick/forum/threads", profile.GetThreadsByUser)
l.Page("/user/:nick/forum/posts", profile.GetPostsByUser)
l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/added", profiletracks.Added)
l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/added/from/:index", profiletracks.Added)
l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/liked", profiletracks.Liked)
l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/liked/from/:index", profiletracks.Liked)
l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/added", profilequotes.Added)
l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/added/from/:index", profilequotes.Added)
l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/liked", profilequotes.Liked)
l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/liked/from/:index", profilequotes.Liked)
l.Page("/user/:nick/stats", profile.GetStatsByUser)
l.Page("/user/:nick/followers", profile.GetFollowers)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/characters/liked", profilecharacters.Liked)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/forum/threads", profile.GetThreadsByUser)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/forum/posts", profile.GetPostsByUser)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/added", profiletracks.Added)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/added/from/:index", profiletracks.Added)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/liked", profiletracks.Liked)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/soundtracks/liked/from/:index", profiletracks.Liked)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/added", profilequotes.Added)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/added/from/:index", profilequotes.Added)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/liked", profilequotes.Liked)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/quotes/liked/from/:index", profilequotes.Liked)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/stats", profile.GetStatsByUser)
// l.Page("/user/:nick/followers", profile.GetFollowers)
l.Page("/user/:nick/animelist/anime/:id", animelistitem.Get)
l.Page("/user/:nick/recommended/anime", recommended.Anime)
l.Page("/user/:nick/notifications", notifications.ByUser)
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
package profile
import (
// import (
// "net/http"
// "github.com/aerogo/aero"
// "github.com/animenotifier/arn"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/components"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/utils"
// )
// GetFollowers shows the followers of a particular user.
func GetFollowers(ctx *aero.Context) string {
nick := ctx.Get("nick")
viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
// // GetFollowers shows the followers of a particular user.
// func GetFollowers(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// nick := ctx.Get("nick")
// viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// if err != nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// }
followers := viewUser.Followers()
// followers := viewUser.Followers()
// arn.SortUsersLastSeenFirst(followers)
return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileFollowers(followers, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileFollowers(followers, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// }
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
component ProfileFollowers(followers []*arn.User, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component ProfileFollowers(followers []*arn.User, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
if len(followers) > 0
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " doesn't have a follower yet."
//- if len(followers) > 0
//- UserGrid(followers)
//- else
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " doesn't have a follower yet."
component UserGrid(users []*arn.User)
each user in users
if user.Nick != ""
if user.IsActive()
//- component UserGrid(users []*arn.User)
//- .user-avatars
//- each user in users
//- if user.Nick != ""
//- if user.IsActive()
//- .mountable
//- Avatar(user)
//- else
//- .mountable
//- .inactive-user
//- Avatar(user)
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
// opacity 0.25
// .inactive-user
// // opacity 0.25
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
package profile
import (
// import (
// "net/http"
// "github.com/aerogo/aero"
// "github.com/animenotifier/arn"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/components"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/utils"
// )
const postLimit = 10
// const postLimit = 10
// GetPostsByUser shows all forum posts of a particular user.
func GetPostsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
nick := ctx.Get("nick")
viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
// // GetPostsByUser shows all forum posts of a particular user.
// func GetPostsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// nick := ctx.Get("nick")
// viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// if err != nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// }
posts := viewUser.Posts()
// posts := viewUser.Posts()
// arn.SortPostsLatestFirst(posts)
if len(posts) >= postLimit {
posts = posts[:postLimit]
// if len(posts) >= postLimit {
// posts = posts[:postLimit]
// }
return ctx.HTML(components.LatestPosts(arn.ToPostables(posts), viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// return ctx.HTML(components.LatestPosts(arn.ToPostables(posts), viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// }
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
component ProfileForumTabs(viewUser *arn.User)
Tab("Threads", "list", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/threads")
Tab("Posts", "comments", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/posts")
//- component ProfileForumTabs(viewUser *arn.User)
//- .tabs
//- Tab("Threads", "list", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/threads")
//- Tab("Posts", "comments", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/posts")
component LatestPosts(postables []arn.Postable, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component LatestPosts(postables []arn.Postable, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- ProfileForumTabs(viewUser)
if len(postables) > 0
h1.page-title= len(postables), " latest posts by ", postables[0].Creator().Nick
PostableList(postables, user)
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any posts yet."
//- if len(postables) > 0
//- h1.page-title= len(postables), " latest posts by ", postables[0].Creator().Nick
//- PostableList(postables, user)
//- else
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any posts yet."
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ func Profile(ctx *aero.Context, viewUser *arn.User) string {
animeList = animeList.WithoutPrivateItems()
completedList := animeList.FilterStatus(arn.AnimeListStatusCompleted)
// Genres
topGenres := animeList.TopGenres(5)
@ -127,5 +128,5 @@ func Profile(ctx *aero.Context, viewUser *arn.User) string {
ctx.Data = openGraph
return ctx.HTML(components.Profile(viewUser, user, animeList, characters, friends, topGenres, dayToActivityCount, ctx.URI()))
return ctx.HTML(components.Profile(viewUser, user, animeList, completedList, characters, friends, topGenres, dayToActivityCount, ctx.URI()))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, characters []*arn.Character, friends []*arn.User, topGenres []string, dayToActivityCount map[int]int, uri string)
component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, completedList *arn.AnimeList, characters []*arn.Character, friends []*arn.User, topGenres []string, dayToActivityCount map[int]int, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, animeList, user, uri)
//- Favorites
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList,
h3.profile-column-header.mountable(data-mountable-type="favorites") Anime
if len(animeList.Items) == 0
if len(completedList.Items) == 0
p.no-data.mountable(data-mountable-type="favorites") Nothing here yet.
each item in animeList.Top(6)
each item in completedList.Top(6)
a.profile-favorite-anime.tip.mountable(href=item.Anime().Link(), aria-label=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user), data-mountable-type="anime")
img.profile-favorite-anime-image.lazy(data-src=item.Anime().ImageLink("small"), data-webp=true, alt=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user))
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList,
if day == 2
component ProfileHeader(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHead(viewUser, user, uri)
component ProfileHeader(viewUser *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHead(viewUser, animeList, user, uri)
component ProfileHead(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
component ProfileHead(viewUser *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, user *arn.User, uri string)
img.profile-cover.lazy(data-src=viewUser.CoverLink("large"), data-webp="true", alt="Cover image")
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ component ProfileHead(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
a.profile-tag.mountable.never-unmount(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist/watching", data-mountable-type="header")
span= fmt.Sprintf("%d anime", len(viewUser.AnimeList().Items))
span= fmt.Sprintf("%d anime", len(animeList.Items))
if user != nil && viewUser.Settings().Privacy.ShowAge && viewUser.Settings().Privacy.ShowGender && viewUser.AgeInYears() != 0
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
component ProfileCharacters(characters []*arn.Character, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
if len(characters) == 0
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any characters yet."
each character in characters
Character(character, user)
//- component ProfileCharacters(characters []*arn.Character, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- if len(characters) == 0
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any characters yet."
//- else
//- .characters.profile-characters
//- each character in characters
//- .mountable
//- Character(character, user)
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
justify-content center
// .profile-characters
// justify-content center
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
component ProfileQuotes(quotes []*arn.Quote, viewUser *arn.User, nextIndex int, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component ProfileQuotes(quotes []*arn.Quote, viewUser *arn.User, nextIndex int, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
h1.page-title= "Quotes added by " + viewUser.Nick
h1.page-title= "Quotes liked by " + viewUser.Nick
//- if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
//- h1.page-title= "Quotes added by " + viewUser.Nick
//- else
//- h1.page-title= "Quotes liked by " + viewUser.Nick
if len(quotes) == 0
if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any quotes yet."
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any quotes yet."
QuotesScrollable(quotes, user)
//- if len(quotes) == 0
//- if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any quotes yet."
//- else
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any quotes yet."
//- else
//- #load-more-target.quotes
//- QuotesScrollable(quotes, user)
if nextIndex != -1
//- if nextIndex != -1
//- .buttons
//- LoadMore(nextIndex)
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
component ProfileSoundTracks(tracks []*arn.SoundTrack, viewUser *arn.User, nextIndex int, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component ProfileSoundTracks(tracks []*arn.SoundTrack, viewUser *arn.User, nextIndex int, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
h1.page-title= "Tracks added by " + viewUser.Nick
h1.page-title= "Tracks liked by " + viewUser.Nick
//- if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
//- h1.page-title= "Tracks added by " + viewUser.Nick
//- else
//- h1.page-title= "Tracks liked by " + viewUser.Nick
if len(tracks) == 0
if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any tracks yet."
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any tracks yet."
SoundTracksScrollable(tracks, user)
//- if len(tracks) == 0
//- if strings.Contains(uri, "/added")
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any tracks yet."
//- else
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't liked any tracks yet."
//- else
//- #load-more-target.soundtracks
//- SoundTracksScrollable(tracks, user)
if nextIndex != -1
//- if nextIndex != -1
//- .buttons
//- LoadMore(nextIndex)
@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
package profile
import (
// import (
// "net/http"
// "strconv"
// "strings"
// "time"
// "github.com/aerogo/aero"
// "github.com/animenotifier/arn"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/components"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/utils"
// )
type stats map[string]float64
// type stats map[string]float64
// GetStatsByUser shows statistics for a given user.
func GetStatsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
nick := ctx.Get("nick")
viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
userStats := utils.UserStats{}
ratings := stats{}
status := stats{}
types := stats{}
years := stats{}
studios := stats{}
genres := stats{}
trackTags := stats{}
// // GetStatsByUser shows statistics for a given user.
// func GetStatsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// nick := ctx.Get("nick")
// viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
// userStats := utils.UserStats{}
// ratings := stats{}
// status := stats{}
// types := stats{}
// years := stats{}
// studios := stats{}
// genres := stats{}
// trackTags := stats{}
if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// if err != nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// }
animeList, err := arn.GetAnimeList(viewUser.ID)
// animeList, err := arn.GetAnimeList(viewUser.ID)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Anime list not found", err)
// if err != nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Anime list not found", err)
// }
defer animeList.Unlock()
// animeList.Lock()
// defer animeList.Unlock()
for _, item := range animeList.Items {
// for _, item := range animeList.Items {
// status[item.Status]++
if item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusPlanned {
// if item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusPlanned {
// continue
// }
currentWatch := item.Episodes * item.Anime().EpisodeLength
reWatch := item.RewatchCount * item.Anime().EpisodeCount * item.Anime().EpisodeLength
duration := time.Duration(currentWatch + reWatch)
userStats.AnimeWatchingTime += duration * time.Minute
// currentWatch := item.Episodes * item.Anime().EpisodeLength
// reWatch := item.RewatchCount * item.Anime().EpisodeCount * item.Anime().EpisodeLength
// duration := time.Duration(currentWatch + reWatch)
// userStats.AnimeWatchingTime += duration * time.Minute
// ratings[strconv.Itoa(int(item.Rating.Overall+0.5))]++
// types[item.Anime().Type]++
for _, studio := range item.Anime().Studios() {
// for _, studio := range item.Anime().Studios() {
// studios[studio.Name.English]++
// }
for _, genre := range item.Anime().Genres {
// for _, genre := range item.Anime().Genres {
// genres[genre]++
// }
if item.Anime().StartDate != "" {
year := item.Anime().StartDate[:4]
// if item.Anime().StartDate != "" {
// year := item.Anime().StartDate[:4]
if year < "2000" {
year = "Before 2000"
// if year < "2000" {
// year = "Before 2000"
// }
// years[year]++
// }
// }
for track := range arn.StreamSoundTracks() {
if !track.LikedBy(viewUser.ID) {
// for track := range arn.StreamSoundTracks() {
// if !track.LikedBy(viewUser.ID) {
// continue
// }
for _, tag := range track.Tags {
if strings.Contains(tag, ":") {
// for _, tag := range track.Tags {
// if strings.Contains(tag, ":") {
// continue
// }
// trackTags[tag]++
// }
// }
userStats.PieCharts = []*arn.PieChart{
arn.NewPieChart("Genres", genres),
arn.NewPieChart("Studios", studios),
arn.NewPieChart("Years", years),
arn.NewPieChart("Ratings", ratings),
arn.NewPieChart("Types", types),
arn.NewPieChart("Status", status),
arn.NewPieChart("Soundtracks", trackTags),
// userStats.PieCharts = []*arn.PieChart{
// arn.NewPieChart("Genres", genres),
// arn.NewPieChart("Studios", studios),
// arn.NewPieChart("Years", years),
// arn.NewPieChart("Ratings", ratings),
// arn.NewPieChart("Types", types),
// arn.NewPieChart("Status", status),
// arn.NewPieChart("Soundtracks", trackTags),
// }
return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileStats(&userStats, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileStats(&userStats, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// }
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
component ProfileStats(stats *utils.UserStats, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component ProfileStats(stats *utils.UserStats, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
each pie in stats.PieCharts
span= pie.Title
//- .stats
//- each pie in stats.PieCharts
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title
//- Icon("pie-chart")
//- span= pie.Title
//- PieChart(pie.Slices)
span= viewUser.Nick + " spent "
span= int(stats.AnimeWatchingTime / time.Hour / 24)
span days watching anime.
//- .footer.mountable
//- span= viewUser.Nick + " spent "
//- span= int(stats.AnimeWatchingTime / time.Hour / 24)
//- span days watching anime.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
justify-content space-around
// .stats
// horizontal-wrap
// justify-content space-around
min-width 200px
max-width 300px
// .widget
// min-width 200px
// max-width 300px
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
package profile
import (
// import (
// "net/http"
// "github.com/aerogo/aero"
// "github.com/animenotifier/arn"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/components"
// "github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/utils"
// )
const maxThreads = 20
// const maxThreads = 20
// GetThreadsByUser shows all forum threads of a particular user.
func GetThreadsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
nick := ctx.Get("nick")
viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
// // GetThreadsByUser shows all forum threads of a particular user.
// func GetThreadsByUser(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// nick := ctx.Get("nick")
// viewUser, err := arn.GetUserByNick(nick)
if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// if err != nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "User not found", err)
// }
threads := viewUser.Threads()
// threads := viewUser.Threads()
// arn.SortThreadsLatestFirst(threads)
if len(threads) > maxThreads {
threads = threads[:maxThreads]
// if len(threads) > maxThreads {
// threads = threads[:maxThreads]
// }
return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileThreads(threads, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// return ctx.HTML(components.ProfileThreads(threads, viewUser, utils.GetUser(ctx), ctx.URI()))
// }
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
component ProfileThreads(threads []*arn.Thread, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component ProfileThreads(threads []*arn.Thread, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- ProfileForumTabs(viewUser)
if len(threads) == 0
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any threads yet."
//- if len(threads) == 0
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any threads yet."
//- else
//- .forum
//- ThreadList(threads)
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
justify-content center
// .profile-watching-list
// horizontal-wrap
// justify-content center
// CSS grid variant:
// display grid
// grid-gap 0.5rem
// grid-template-columns repeat(auto-fill, 55px)
// justify-content center
// // CSS grid variant:
// // display grid
// // grid-gap 0.5rem
// // grid-template-columns repeat(auto-fill, 55px)
// // justify-content center
// .profile-watching-list-item
// anime-mini-item
// .profile-watching-list-item-image
// anime-mini-item-image
Reference in New Issue
Block a user